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Details in a Dusty Spiral Galaxy
NGC 4414 Spiral Galaxy RA 12h 26m 27s Dec +31° 13' 29" Coma Berenices 19.1 megaparsecs (62,000,000 light-years) The image is 2.4 arcminutes on the vertical side.The galaxy has a diameter of 17,000 pc (56,000 light-years). WFPC2 April/June, 1995; April, 1999 3.5 hours F439(B), F555W(V), F814W(I) NASA & The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) June 3, 1999 |
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ABOUT THIS IMAGE: In 1995, the majestic spiral galaxy NGC 4414 was imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope as part of the HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale. An international team of astronomers, led by Dr. Wendy Freedman of the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, observed this galaxy on 13 different occasions over the course of two months. Images were obtained with Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) through three different color filters. Based on their discovery and careful brightness measurements of variable stars in NGC 4414, the Key Project astronomers were able to make an accurate determination of the distance to the galaxy. The resulting distance to NGC 4414, 19.1 megaparsecs or about 60 million light-years, along with similarly determined distances to other nearby galaxies, contributes to astronomers' overall knowledge of the rate of expansion of the universe. The Hubble constant (H0) is the ratio of how fast galaxies are moving away from us to their distance from us. This astronomical value is used to determine distances, sizes, and the intrinsic luminosities for many objects in our universe, and the age of the universe itself. Due
to the large size of the galaxy compared to the WFPC2 detectors, only
half of the galaxy observed was visible in the datasets collected by the
Key Project astronomers in 1995. In 1999, the Hubble Heritage Team revisited
NGC 4414 and completed its portrait by observing the other half with the
same filters as were used in 1995. The end result is a stunning full-color
look at the entire dusty spiral galaxy. The new Hubble picture shows that
the central regions of this galaxy, as is typical of most spirals, contain
primarily older, yellow and red stars. The outer spiral arms are considerably
bluer due to ongoing formation of young, blue stars, the brightest of
which can be seen individually at the high resolution provided by the
Hubble camera. The arms are also very rich in clouds of interstellar dust,
seen as dark patches and streaks silhouetted against the starlight. |